Thoriq video call n chat fake

by Glawnsky



this is a fake call app with very funny thoriqThis application is very fun to use because it is a fake applicationThis video call with Thoriq is very exciting and you can use it for entertainmentthis thoriq video call application can be used offline and you dont need tousing internet quota to contact Thoriq video can enjoy fake calls with thofu thoriq anytime and free,The video call application with Thoriq is very viral and this application also hasother features like voice call with thoriq, video call with thoriq,chat with Thoriq and many other features that we will add laterin the fake video call application with thoriq.we will continue to develop this application will be even better,we also make other apps like video call with fuji, callwith zbingz, call with sarah viloid, horror call, ghost, pocong,sundel bolong and many more fake calls that we will develop for you.We really appreciate your best review and rating.Disclaimer: this application is not affiliated with any party so if youfeel this application is unpleasant and even detrimental to you, pleasecontact us via email and we will remove this app.